• Grace's Experience

    I honestly cannot overstate the impact that Justin has had on my life over the past two years. I went to him having never properly been in a gym before and recovering from two major surgeries which had meant I had next to no strength and was nervous and unsure of myself as a person. Justin instantly made me feel comfortable at the gym and with him! He has made me so much more confident and happy as a person and has helped me set and hit so many goals I didn’t think would be possible for me. I look forward to every session (even though I sometimes feel like dying at the end) where he pushes me physically but also lets me talk about my week and helps me to fit in training which is now a huge part of my life around school. I cannot recommend Justin enough, he is motivating, easy to talk to and just all round an amazing coach!

  • Elisabeth's Experience

    Justin is fearless

    His knowledge and understanding of the body, its structure, its strengths and limits and very powerful mind body connection is inspiring.

    Every session is a lesson in focus, attention and strength.

    He was fearless in taking me on after being in a wheelchair for over 5 years with no use of my upper body. Every exercise was adapted with such intelligence and with great intensity. Never faltering when it was a struggle and difficult and endlessly encouraging and supportive. This has been life coaching with a powerful mind and body connection.

  • Sam's Experience

    Justin is everything I was looking for in a PT - someone who motivates me to push that little bit harder in not only our PT sessions, but also whilst training solo.Justin genuinely cares about his clients and their goals and takes the time to listen and also regularly checks in with me on how it's going.I really like Justin's dedication to his clients and his style of coaching and I look forward to every session (unless he's programmed some assault bike!). He's also on the front foot as far as training apps are concerned and training programmes are automatically sent to my TrainHeroic app so Justin has visibility on how my solo sessions have gone.

  • Martha's Experience

    I was completely new to the gym world(and if I’m honest wasn’t in love with the idea of it) Coming in as a beginner was daunting as I had no idea where to start but Justin aka Coach Knussi is the perfect teacher! He started training me back in the summer after some weight loss. He guided me on how to understand my body, train it and respect it. He gave me nutritional help and 24/7 I could text him and he would be there on hand. I can’t rave about him enough. He’s so professional and his knowledge is really extensive. If I wasn’t understanding a movement he would word it a different way and I would completely get it! Thank you Justin for helping me understand the world of health! I now love working out and you did nothing but make me feel happy, confident and comfortable in my new environment!! *5 stars