In Person Training

If you’re looking to begin your training, journey and need guidance around training, nutrition and lifestyle habits then one to one personal training is for you.

How it looks:

  • We start by a chat on the phone to discuss your goals from a global perspective. Where you currently are and where you want to go.

  • Next we organise a time to come into the gym to go through an indepth consultation. This allows be to better understand your lifestyle and how best to integrate a process to your goals within that

  • We will run through a 1:1 movement analysis session. This session paints a picture as to how your body moves showing us your strengths and limitations thus giving me data to make sure your training is as bespoke for you and your body. It also serves as a visit to the gym Stanza Fitness where you can also get a feel for the space and people in the gym.

  • Once these steps are done I can build out a process to your goals. This consists of a training plan, Nutritional goals and lifestyle habits all coached and delivered to you as an individual. all these components will be built around you, your body and your life constraints to ensure the results are sustained and not lost.

If this is something you like the look of, then click here to book in a free call and consultation!

Small Group Class


These classes are unlike any other in the surrounding area. They are run with the intention of still bringing a personal training experience to a group setting. Therefore no mater your training age we can adapt each class to suit every individual and meet them where they are. Each client who joins receives:

  • Initial 1:1 consultation and movement analysis

  • A tailored approach to the sessions and programmes we run through

  • Develops all areas of fitness. Strength, Mobility and Conditioning (Aerobic Fitness)

These classes are run in small groups of 10 Individuals allowing us to make suer each individual gets an individualised approach to their training and strength movements even though in calss environment.

If the small group classes sound like something you would want to try click here! and lets set up a call!

Online Coaching


If you are not located in Bath and still wish to work with me this is the service for you.

if you have a history in training, access to a facility and need some extra help to achieve your fitness goals while still being able to maintain your busy lifestyle, Koached Online would be the perfect solution for you.

To begin, we'll arrange a thorough video or phone consultation to assess your current fitness level and determine your desired outcomes. Similar to my in-person coaching, I'll take the time to understand your daily routine, constraints and goals and build a process to achieve the goals you have set out. I will analyse your past and present nutrition, workout habits and lifestyle habits. This will allow me to apply coaching methods best suited to you.

If you want to get started and book a free consultation call then click here and lets see how I can best help you!